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September Top 10 Sustainability Highlights

Last month was the first month adjusting to those post-summer blues. And while the gloomy weather might have slowed your energy down, it certainly didn't stop the country from making big strides toward reducing, recycling (/composting!), and reusing. September was a month of big new announcements, tools, and data to galvanize the food industry to do better by the planet.

1. A World First: UK Food Industry Commits to a Landmark Roadmap to Halve Food Waste


This is the most helpful tool we've seen in a while! Do you want to know what specific actions to take in your operations to help reduce food waste? Find it in WRAP and IGD’s new Roadmap. They’ve outlined some ambitious plans with a goal to have 50% of the UK’s largest 250 food businesses measuring, reporting, and acting on food waste. So, do you want to me a part of the change?

2. Drowning in Plastic


If you missed it last Monday, you can watch it here on BBC iPlayer. Liz Bonnin, a wildlife biologist, travels the globe to explore the extent of the ocean plastics problem and meets with innovative scientists tackling the problem head-on. It’s 90min well worth it – trust us.

3. Plastics Bottle Collection Rates See Highest Rise in Three Years But Much Still to Do


The good news: there’s been a 3% increase in tonnes of plastics packaging collected from UK households. The not so good news: the quality of the collection has gone down. Survey says much of this has to do with consumer confusion and people ‘just not getting it’. So, there’s much work to be done to drive this quality thorough the entire recycling process – but this 3% increase indicates to us that the UK population is taking seriously their eco-responsibility and that’s extremely heartening! And on top of that Local Authorities are working to do more with 49% planning communications about proper plastics recycling – that’s a win!

4. Consumers Want 'At Least' 50% Recycled Content in Bottles


The British Public have spoken. They want recycled content in their bottles. We say: here, here! The more plastics we recycle and the more products that are made from recycled content, the more ‘mainstream’ recycling comes. (Psst: did you know our Revive Bottles are made from 50% recycled plastic?!)

5. Small Traders’ Revenue Drops As Shoppers Avoid Plastic Packaging


Ever feel like your efforts to reduce go unnoticed? Take a peek at this article – it’ll make you feel powerful. This is what happens when the few become the many, when you vote with your wallet, and when your choices impact our planet (for the better!).

6. Did You Know Most Chewing Gum Contains Plastic?



7. How to Taste Coffee Like An Expert Tastes Fine Wine


We all know what it looks like when someone swirls, sniffs, and sips a glass of wine (and let’s be honest – it can seem a bit silly). But what about coffee? What makes a good cup, a good cup? Trends suggest that soon, there will be a movement of coffee connoisseurs who are expert at “cupping” – the art of coffee tasting. Is your coffee ready for rising customer expectations and refined pallets? If you want to learn how the experts taste coffee for bean quality, this article will break it down for you!

8. Food and Brexit: Will our Cupboards be Bare?


Well, it’s October which means we are 6 months until we officially leave the European Union. And it begs the question: will we still have access to the global food pantry? Though there are many directions trade deals could go, one thing is for certain: there will be some level of disruption in the British food industry. This article shares some expert opinions and analysis on what might happen to our industry and how we can start thinking through the potential challenges.

9. Co-Op Unveils ‘Compostable’ Bags as it Plots Single Use Plastic Ban


Another one files in line! The Co-Op has officially announced its 5-year plan to eliminate/minimise single-use plastics. They’ll be using compostable bags, ridding of black plastics, tackling food waste, and saving energy.

10. Tesco Tackling Plastic Bottle Waste Reverse Vending Machine


Tesco’s jumping in. In select stores around the country, Tesco is trialling a deposit return scheme. Pop in your plastic bottles and get 10p in return. Following their momentum in 2013 as the only retailer to measure and report their food waste, Tesco has joined the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap (see above!) and will be sharing their recent data in the year to come. Tesco is one to watch!


Administrator on 8 October 2018 8:32 AM

